Quickly Grow Your Poshmark Sales With This Time-Saving Tool

Best Poshmark Bot Review Automatically Share Your Closet.png

Are you a Poshmark reseller who’s been struggling to grow your sales?

You’ve put in so much hard work—sourcing, photographing, posting new listings—but you’re just not seeing the results you desire.

I know how discouraging it can be to want to grow your income but feel constrained by limited time and resources. You may even be tempted to throw in the towel because there’s simply not enough time in a day to complete all your tasks. It’s frustrating because you got into reselling to be your own boss, grow your income, and make your own schedule—but that’s beginning to seem more like an impossible fantasy than an attainable reality.

What if I told you there was a way you could start increasing your Poshmark sales right now with zero extra effort on your part?

Well—there is.

Allow me to introduce you to a tool that singlehandedly revolutionized my reselling business: Closet Tools.

So, what exactly is a Closet Tools ? Closet Tools is a powerful auto-sharing software (also known as a "bot") that automates closet shares and other repetitive, time-consuming tasks for Poshmark sellers. By automatically sharing your listings, a closet sharer service can assist you by freeing up your time while generating more sales to grow your income.

One of the most controversial (if not downright taboo) topics in the Poshmark reselling community is whether or not you should use a bot. Not without good reason, as bots are technically against Poshmark’s terms and conditions to use. If you’re anything like me, that’s the #1 factor holding you back from getting a bot. It’s definitely the main reason it took me so long to switch over to “the dark side” (LOL). Growing up, I was the strictest rule-follower (making me the perfect target for my classmates who relished in calling me names like “teacher’s pet” and “miss goody-two-shoes”). Trust me when I say—disobeying the rules is definitely NOT in my nature.

But despite all that, my biggest regret is letting my fears get the better of me and not getting a bot sooner. I can’t help but wonder how many sales I missed out on or the breakthroughs my business might have experienced if I had reserved my brainpower for more meaningful tasks. Not to mention, the hours upon hours of life that I wasted manually pressing that “share” button. As they say, hindsight is 20/20. If even one person can learn from my mistakes, that’s a ‘win’ in my book. Whether you’re on the fence about getting a bot or simply don’t know which one to choose, I hope I can offer a valuable perspective to help you make the most informed decision for your reselling business.

In this blog post, I'm sharing:

Flashback a couple of years ago to the first time I got a bot—I was terrified. The minute I downloaded it, I felt like the Poshmark CIA was suddenly on my trail, tracking my every move (this was all in my head, of course). It sounds silly now, but I was convinced they would somehow catch my scent and shut down my account immediately. Spoiler alert: they didn’t. In fact, life resumed like normal—except for the fact that I was making more sales—a LOT more sales. And I had more time on my hands. Speaking of hands, my fingers never had to physically press a share button ever again. I was beginning to realize that all this time, I had been working myself up for no reason.

You’re probably thinking, wait...so you’re saying NOTHING happened? Zero consequences whatsoever?

Okay, okay...so you want to know the “worst” thing that’s ever happened? In my early bot-experimenting days, I was so giddy with the sales results that I got over-zealous and pushed my bot to its limit. I went on a total sharing spree. I completely maxed out the number of shares that were digitally possible in a day. And yes—Poshmark’s software caught wind of it and the sharing feature on my account was temporarily disabled for 24 hours.

THAT’S IT. I could still post new listings, respond to comments, download shipping labels—from what I could tell, I was able to engage in any activity on the app that wasn’t sharing. I’d say that’s a pretty small (and totally fair) price to pay for essentially going hog-wild with my bot.

Am I saying nothing more severe could ever happen as a result of using a bot? No. It is, after all, against the rules. By choosing to use a bot, you are doing so at your own risk. That being said, in all of my years (yes—years plural!) using a bot, I have never had anything happen that was a) permanent or b) more drastic than a 24-hour sharing ban. And in my (personal) opinion, the benefits FAR outweigh the risks.

So...what are those benefits exactly? Why should you get a bot?


Since bots are against Poshmark’s terms, why don’t they crack down harder by implementing harsher penalties? The fact is, we know using bots increases sales. More sales for you = more money for Poshmark. Think about it: does Poshmark benefit more if you make 10 sales a month or 100? Profit-wise, there’s no real incentive for them to stop the use of bots. Quite the opposite, actually. Since it’s in Poshmark’s best interest, the chances that bot users will ever face any meaningful consequences are slim.


No human should waste precious moments of their life repeatedly clicking a button into oblivion. We get ONE shot at this thing—one opportunity on this Earth to smell the scent of rain, cuddle our dog, ride a rollercoaster, get lost in a good book, and experience the taste of chocolate chip cookies fresh out of the oven. It’s just plain wrong to be spending even one more second on a mindless task like sharing. Especially when that task can easily be automated. Get a bot so you can get your life back. Spend those moments hugging your mom, meeting up with your best friend at a coffee shop, learning to play the guitar—or heck—working on another task for your business that only you can do!


Even if they don’t publicly admit it—the reality is, hundreds (if not thousands) of resellers are actively using bots. So if you’re not, you are actually putting yourself at a competitive disadvantage in comparison. You’re sitting at home on your couch pressing a button a million times while resellers with bots are using that time to source new inventory, take photos, or reward themselves with an extra-long break! The most successful entrepreneurs are the ones who understand that good business is about working smarter, not harder. That means putting as many of your reselling tasks on auto-pilot as possible—especially the tasks that don’t require your unique mind and skill set.


One argument I’ve heard is that bots make the playing field less “fair” because non-bot users can’t possibly compete with bots. True, a bot can share faster than a human and in much greater volumes. But guess what? Anyone can get a bot! On top of that, users are paying for their bots—so their advantage doesn’t come without a price. If you can’t beat ‘em—join ‘em—right?

“But what about casual sellers who are selling from their personal closet?” you ask. “They don’t sell enough clothes to justify the cost of a bot! So aren’t bots unfair to them?”

If you’re a casual seller with only 20 listings, you’re right—paying for a bot doesn’t logistically make sense. But that also means you only have 20 listings you need to manually share, which is a lot more feasible than a reseller who has hundreds of listings. What’s really unfair is expecting a reseller to invest half a day manually sharing 200+ items while their hobbyist counterparts only have to devote a fraction of that time.


I hate to break it to you, but if your VA is smart, they’re probably using a bot to share your listings. Just because you hired them with the intention of “doing the right thing” doesn’t necessarily protect you from having a bot running on your Poshmark account. Not only that, you’re definitely paying more for a VA service than you would a bot. But let’s say your VA is an upright person and they’re not using a bot to comply with your wishes. Is it really “more ethical” to have another person spending irreplaceable hours of their life tediously clicking a ‘share’ button? To quote Mary Oliver, is that the best use of their one wild and precious life?


Between the fact that a) a bot can share faster and longer than I can and b) it’s saving me hours upon hours of time, I would guesstimate that having a bot has tripled—if not quadrupled—my income. I know for a fact that part of the reason I make several sales per day is due to my bot. And since the bot I use only costs me $1 per day, I can confidently say that it pays for itself.

Now, I do want to note that the first bot I ever used I chose because it was the least expensive one I could find ($9.99/month or something like that). What can I say? I’m cheap. But it wasn’t long before I realized I wasn’t getting the most bang for my buck. I knew in the long run, it would be in my best interest to start seeking out something a lot more robust for my needs.

What you should look for in a bot:


A “Captcha” is a notification that you’ve likely encountered a dozen times. It pops up on a website every so often and asks you to perform simple tasks. For example, it might ask you to “select all the photo squares with fire hydrants in them”. If you click on the correct photos, the Captcha resolves—allowing you to continue whatever you were doing on that website. The goal of a Captcha is to ensure you’re actually a human and not a robot. The ironic thing is, certain robots CAN outsmart Captchas and solve them. If you’re running your bot on your home computer but you leave the house to go sourcing, you want your bot to be able to solve those Captchas for you so it can continue sharing your listings. Without automatic Captcha solving, YOU have to be the one to manually solve the Captcha, which is annoying. Since the mere use of a bot will trigger several Captcha notifications in a day, having a bot like Closet Tools that includes automatic Captcha solving as part of their service (not as an add-on service for an additional fee) is one of the top features I look for.


Any worthwhile bot should have the ability to run on multiple devices—computer, smartphone, and tablet. That way, if you’re at home you can have the bot running on your computer in the background. Likewise, if you’re on vacation and didn’t bring your computer, you can still run the bot on your phone. Additionally, a tablet is a great option if you want to give your other devices a rest. The point is—you want to have options.


One of the features I love most about Closet Tools is that I can tell it to automatically send out “offers to likers” on every listing in my closet. Not only that, I can choose the discount percentage (e.g. 10%, 20%, 30%, or a custom percentage) AND the discounted shipping price ($5.99, $4.99, or free). Seriously, y’all—this saves me SO. MUCH. FREAKIN’. TIME.


Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, Closet Tools also has a feature that allows you to automatically send out an offer to someone who has just hit the “like” button on your listing. IN REAL TIME. This is important because you want to have the ability to send an offer at the exact moment that your potential buyer is on Poshmark. They just “liked” your listing, it’s top of mind, and they’re in the spending mindset. Sending that offer immediately is infinitely more likely to result in a sale vs. if you wait until later when they’re eating dinner and no longer browsing on the app.


Given the risqué nature of bots, any bot worth its salt should have integrated safety features built-in. Not only does Closet Tools have varying share speeds—it also gives you the option to set a daily sharing limit. Choose from speeds like sloth, slow, medium, and fast, or set your own custom speed. This accommodates both types of bot users—those who’d rather play it safe and those who like to live on the edge and push the limits. Speaking of limits—I believe the daily limit for shares on Poshmark is about 10,000 shares in a 24-hour period (based on what I’ve read). Personally, I wouldn’t recommend getting even close to that number. That’s why having the ability to set a “daily sharing limit” is an absolute must.

Click here to get 30% off your first month of Closet Tools

Get $10 when you sign up for Poshmark using my invite code: POSHTOPROFIT

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